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First hour of weeding FREE!


​Where to begin? Looking more carefully, you are surprised to see weeds coming up everywhere. Still you think, "no problem". After first spending two hours weeding you feel as though the only thing that you have accomplished is a sore back. You are reminded that weeds are a formidable foe and that weeding can take time away from the larger projects you may have planned, or from just enjoying your outdoor space.


Following a cold and snowy winter we anxiously welcome the milder weather, as we do the first flowers of spring. There is renewed interest in gardening and a new wave of folks spending more time improving their yards. You might even be thinking about growing your own vegetable garden! 



Current garden trends find many homeowners rethinking their carefully manicured and sometimes sterile-looking landscape. Instead, you might be imaging a native flower garden that attracts birds, bees, and other living things. What if heading to the hills and trails to seek a sense of the “wild” could be as close as your own backyard? A native landscape may include plants that most people think are weeds but could actually be a wildflower or a beneficial weed that supports our eco-system.

Many homeowner associations (HOA's) have recently banned the use of certain garden chemical products due to their hazardous effects on human health and the environment. With weeds and yards left unattended, many homeowners have faced HOA citations and possible liens on their property if the presumed noxious, pervasive, or invasive weeds are not controlled or removed (usually within a week to 10 days). Weeding-Wise is here to help!


Weeding-Wise is an eco-friendly business initially started to address the situations represented in the examples above. We have options and solutions to your weed problems that are more environmentally sound. They may not be as expedient as some toxic chemical applications, but when properly and consistently applied they can help to manage your weeds and be reasonably effective.


We have become keenly aware of the global plight of the bee population and its impact on our world food supply. Dandelions are the bee's first source of nectar in early spring. Some eco-friendly clients consider dandelions beneficial to the ecosystem, even if they are a common weed. Don't be afraid to let some native vegetation and weeds grow wild. Whether you have a small patio garden, or you have an acre of property, being well informed and sharing knowledge is a mission of equal importance to us as is pulling your unwanted weeds.


CERTIFIED COLORADO GARDNER and partner owned and operated, we employ gardeners that are equipped with both hands-on experience and textbook knowledge. Some of our employees have worked at independent garden centers, or have academic degrees in horticulture. Others are experienced landscape technicians or specialize in a particular aspect of gardening like xeriscapes, native plants, or organic gardening. We consider ourselves educators, and to that extent Weeding-Wise seeks to teach good gardening ethics and promote proper land use. We subscribe to the environmental principles of conservation, preservation, and restoration. Acting upon those beliefs supports mutual coexistence between man and planet.



Hand pulling your weeds in early spring will have the greatest long term effect helping to reduce garden weeds. Give us a call to arrange a free site visit for an estimate of cost for weed removal. Take a further look at our website for information about integrated weed management and planning. Mention that you saw our EARLY SPRING SPECIAL which offers the first hour of weeding your property for FREE!

Along with the greening of spring we are met with a sentiment of hope. Spring is in air and summer is not far behind. It is the perfect opportunity for a DIY (Do It Yourself) garden project...and so, you DIG IN. But first, to take care of a few weeds!



(ends April 30)




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